Saturday, January 19, 2013

Blog Hopping

Finding new things to read is always a little thrill exciting for me. Books, magazines, websites, blogs, you name it...I will read it! Unfortunately, the time that I have available for reading comes in spurts, which means that occasionally by the time a moment presents itself that I am able to actually go through my blogroll...some of the blogs have become stagnant, obsolete, or irrelevant to my interests. Due to these changes in the blogosphere, I find that I sometimes need to search for new reads. A great way to do this, while getting my blog seen as well, is to visit a blog hop or two. Sadly enough, I don't get the opportunity to do this nearly as often as I would like. Also sad, I am one of those bloggers who tend to fall off of the face of the earth periodically. Perhaps one day I will get a better grasp on this thing we call blogging.

In the meantime, this evening I was visiting the blogging communities that I used to frequent, and I stumbled upon this not so little blog hop at Bloggy Moms that I decided to participate in. It's the first one that I have seen that is an entire month-long blog party! With over 600 blogs participating, that's some hefty blog reading! Why don't ya'll hop on over there as well, and get your blog read on???

a mom blog community!

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Thank you for taking the time to read my stuff and nonsense. I love to hear from you, so please don't go without leaving something for me to read!