Monday, December 9, 2013

A New Journey

Two years ago, I jumped on a bandwagon that I really could've done without. It did me no good whatsoever and cost a few hundred dollars. Of course, it was a 'fad' diet...Body by Vi. One of those shake things. I didn't lose any more than I would've by just normal dieting. The first couple of weeks, the shakes were actually yummy. I found my favorite add-ons were coffee, peanut butter, cinnamon, or banana *sometimes even random combinations.* After a few weeks of twice a day shakes...mixing the drink, putting it in the blender, cleaning the blender, having all the ingredients at work...those yummy shakes began to take on a strange taste to me. More of an after-taste than a taste. I began to dread them. My stomach eventually turned at the thought of them. Needless to say, I didn't last very long on that diet. I still have three one-month supply packages of the shake mix in the cabinet. When I decided to do the Vi shakes, I did it as a favor to a co-worker. She had begun selling them and she and her sister both were having some success with the diet. I didn't research it much and just kind of impulsively dived in.

This time is different. I am jumping in to a new 'fad' that I have looked into. One that I have watched people have very visible success with. My cousin is selling it, several friends are selling it...several people that I know have lost 30 - 50 pounds in 3 to 6 month time frames. Get What is it you ask? Well, it is Plexus Slim. I am excited about trying it out. It came in the mail over the weekend. I started it today.

I am so tired of fighting the weight battle. I realize that I will struggle all of my life with it, especially with the way I love food! It's just so disheartening and hard on the confidence level when I don't feel like I look good...or when I just don't feel good in general. When I weigh more, my back hurts and my clothes make me feel pinned in and squishy. I hate to jiggle.

Last year, I had actually managed to lose 20 pounds just through diet and exercise. I was so proud of myself! I was at the lowest weight than I have been at in 3 years. But then I got a boob job plus a touch of liposuction. They said not to step on the scales for 6 weeks after surgery. Did I listen? NOPE. I weighed the next day. Just having the surgery put 17 pounds right back on me. They said it was water weight and fluid retention from the surgery, specifically the lipo. Except I am 6 months out and still carrying that 17 pounds. I have to wonder how much the implants actually increased my weight...supposed to only be 3 pounds. But for real, those 17 I really want to know what 'the girls' look like on me; without the extra padding!!!

So now, here I am again, ready to fight the battle...but this time I would really like to win the war.
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