Friday, March 1, 2013

Chester Drawers

Yep. That's his name. He is a retired performer out of Branson, MO. In his 'retirement,' he has been writing children's book and touring elementary schools as a children's comedian to promote his books, as well as encouraging a healthy lifestyle and making good choices. Mr. Drawers visited our school on Wednesday morning. Now I will be honest. Always Normally at these little assemblies, I am bored to tears. With this guy, I was actually LOL'ing. Really. When his presentation was over, he signed autographs and let us take pictures of some of our kinders with him. What a fun guy. I just can't figure why his parents would've named his Chester Drawers. *wink*

The kinderbabies (along with the pre-k and firsties) had a ball watching, listening, and singing along.
Autograph and photo-op time!
Look at her sweet little hands, with the pink fingernails :-)
Having so very much fun!
I wish they paid this close attention in class!!!
He had all eyes on him 90% of the was the most attentive I have ever seen at an elementary assembly.
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