Monday, January 17, 2011

Monday Weigh In #3

Mondays are the days that I do my weekly weigh in, so it makes sense that the Monday blog will be the day that I will devote to my diet. I did not meet any of my goals this week. Now, I am not one to make excuses about anything, but I do have a valid one for this week. I had a visit from Mother Nature. So what, you say? My visits are particularly bad, as my cramping is always in my back. It always has been, since I was a you should be used to it by now, you say? Yes I should, and I was, until I was in a car accident that basically broke my back a little over 3 years ago. It resulted in surgery to repair nerves that were damaged, but both the back and the nerves are still afftected by the injury, especially during the week of the curse of womanhood. During that week, I am lucky at times if I can walk upright without hobbling like I am 85. So I decided that what I must do from here on is to hit the diet and exercise that much harder through the three weeks in between periods, thus allowing me to slack off a bit when my body forces me to.

Given that I did not lose two pounds, I did lose a half a pound. I was pleased with this because it meant that although I sucked at my workouts, I did great on food choices and portion sizes. I only worked out twice last week. The goal this week again is to lose 2 pounds and to workout 4 days.

Since I was at home today in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr Day, I planned to cook something new and low calorie. I pulled a recipe from Debbi Does Dinner, and we worked together to pull it off with a few variations of our own, but not enough to change the caloric values. It was delish!!! Ours looked something like this:

My total weight loss for the course of the diet is 1.5 lbs so far. I hope to lose 2 lbs this week, looking forward to buying a pair of silver glitter TOMS when I hit the 10 lb mark. I figure to give myself some incentive, I should set some concrete (and fun) goals!

Also, as a side note, I did manage to get some pictures of Boo's bedroom re-do uploaded (finally). Check out the post Snow Day!!! to see them.

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