Sunday, January 26, 2014

Sunday Strategy January 26 - February 1

What a yucky week I had!!! I made it to the gym on Monday night, but after that, I was very sick all week long. Not fun at all. I felt horrible for my student intern; she definitely did not see a good side of me in the classroom, and got her own workout in the kindergarten realm whilst trying to take up my slack. What was wrong with me? Heck if I know. It started off as a severe head cold that turned into some sort of awful stomach thing. I never actually tossed up my cookies or blew any gaskets, but Lordy did I feel like I was going to...for six whole days! I felt so bad that I stayed home on Thursday. On the bright side, I lost 3 pounds.

This week should be a relatively easy one. Coming up...

  • mentor meeting after school
  • gym after dinner
  • grade level meeting @ noon 
  • nail appointment after school
  • knitting group @ 6
  • grade level meeting with admin @ noon
  • tutoring for Boo @ 5:30 (gym for me while she is there)
  • Boo cheers @ 5 (4 games, so it's an all-nighter)
  • gym @ 5:15, then go watch Boo
  • 100th Day of School!!!
  • Lefty cheers @ 6:30
  • gym when I get up
  • NO PLANS (which means clean house, build wreaths, school work, plan meals, etc)

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